Microbiome Research Conferences and Symposia
Microbiome Research Conferences and Symposia
OMBI serves to enhance awareness of cutting edge research and accelerate interactions amongst microbiome scientists, especially those spanning diverse areas of research. To this end, OMBI hosts research discussions, lectures, and conferences. A few prior and upcoming events are included below.
- The inagural OMBI research conference was held at Oregon State University in May 2017. Over 120 scientists from across the country participated in this day-long event that included scientific presentations as well as panel discussions. OMBI hopes to hold a similar event in spring 2019.
- The International Symbiosis Society will hold their biannual conference at Oregon State University in July 2018. OMBI faculty are organizing microbiome sessions in this conference, which historically has not included a focus on microbiome research as part of the conference. For more information on attending this conference, please see the ISS website.